John & Mary Fletcher

How do John and I ever thank you enough, for the generous time and effort you put into not only, getting our house ready to sell, but then selling our property after one open house!! And... with more than one offer to pick from! We certainly know that your well organized knowledge and expertise in realty is what made all the difference in getting a quick sale. Then Lyn, you can add in your engery level and the wonderful team of people you have put together, to get the "job done" with whatever needs doing. Whether it was new carpet, hardwood floors, painting or any
number of "fix-it" projects. Your recommended people were ever courteous and pleasant to work with. All worked with careful eficiency to meet our schedule....So Lyn, all in all we just could not have had a smoother or more positive experience in both selling and buying our homes with you - your team of people - and Keller Williams.
We will highly recommend you to any and all we come across, who may be looking for a great realtor! How fortunate we were to have found you! You helped us make all the right decisions every step of the way because your knowledge of market information, numbers analysis and timing were always "just spot-on!" And now if all of the above, were not enough - along comes Lyn - a week after moving into our lovely new home.... with the most beautiful orchids to adorn our kitchen window shelf! What a great finishing touch!! We couldn't be happier and we are so looking forward to meeting new neighbors and having wonderful times with family and friends in our new home. We know we will have many happy times here because we got everything we needed - for John and I for "easy living," as they say.
Our many thanks and special appreciation to Lyn Bockert and Team. "You really do make it happen!"